10 Things That Happen When Your Body Is Lacking Water

2 – You don’t pee very often, and your urine is dark yellow or brown when you do.

If you don’t pee much throughout the day and notice that you have dark urine when you use the bathroom, you need to drink more water. Water helps to eliminate toxins and keep the renal system functioning correctly. If you don’t drink enough water, all the toxins will accumulate in your body, and you’ll feel the effects of exhaustion, brain fog, and other complications.

Also, pay attention to the color of your urine. You must drink more daily water if you have dark yellow or brown urine. However, you may not want to consume much water close to bedtime because you’ll probably have to keep waking up to use the bathroom. Yellow or brown urine signifies that your body is holding onto the water to perform vital functions.

Try bringing a refillable water bottle to work or school to get your recommended water intake.


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